A pleasant surprise

This morning, something very unusual happened as I stepped out of bed, and I was pleased, but amazed, that it continued all the way downstairs. Today was the first morning in almost two months that my legs were completely pain free!

On the 4th April I had the very silly idea of entering the Shrewsbury Half Marathon, which is on Sunday 17th June (Fathers’ Day: which means, hopefully, that I will have my post-race ‘rehydration’ strategy organised for me by Ollie and Saffron).  

Why a silly idea? Well those of you who know me, do so as a cyclist rather than a runner. I’ve never really been a runner, and never gone over 10k before. Admittedly, I won my half colours for cross country at school, but I don’t think I could honestly say that I deserved them: recipients of half colours got to wear a different tie; full colours, a burgundy jacket. I was therefore delighted, as I don’t look good in burgundy.

I have always much preferred cycling: you get to places quicker, its more exhilarating with the speed, but most importantly it hurts less.

So, yes, the pain. It’s awful. I could understand it if I had been trying to do it 10 years ago – I was quite a chunk back then. But over the last few years I have shed the pounds and thought I would be fine. But no, I seem to have picked up shin splints, so every morning since entering, I have been taking very ginger steps.

The decision came as a result of the weather and partly not feeling safe on the roads. I have never been good with the cold, and I hate getting wet. An article in The Times today quoting a survey of cyclists said that 57% of cyclists would be put off cycling by the dangers of other traffic and 56% would be put off by dangerous road conditions such as potholes. There was no mention of the weather so the conclusion is my decision is valid in terms of safety, but perhaps I need to ‘man-up’ when it comes to the cold and rain!

There are some benefits with running, despite the pain: I’ve definitely got a bit fitter. There is less need for lycra, which I know I don’t look good in. I don’t get cold feet. And other road users are definitely friendlier to, and accommodating of, runners

Will I continue? The jury is out: I certainly won’t be stepping up to a full marathon. In the meantime, training continues so if you see me on the roads, or are in Shrewsbury on race day, give me a wave – I’m the one in lycra… Yes, I know I said there is less need for it, but I’ve kind of got used to wearing it!